Chloe Jones

Gallery & Exhibitions Coordinator

Chloe is a Wollithiga, Kalitheban woman born and raised on Yorta Yorta Country. After spending the last five years living and working in Naarm (Melbourne) on Wurundjeri Country, pursuing a Bachelor of Art History and Curation at Monash University, Chloe has returned to Shepparton to take on the role of Gallery and Exhibitions Coordinator at Kaiela Arts.

Chloe has been an artist member of Kaiela Arts since 2020 and previously served as a board member and treasurer. Her passion lies in supporting community and grassroots initiatives, advocating for First Nations artists to have greater agency and self-determination within the industry. Alongside her academic journey, Chloe has worked in various spaces within the contemporary Indigenous arts sector, including for leading commercial gallery D’Lan Contemporary, gaining valuable insights into the broader Australian art market.

With experience in both the commercial and community arts sectors, Chloe is committed to strengthening Kaiela Arts by encouraging meaningful relationships with allies across the industry. She believes collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential in ensuring long-term opportunities and sustainability for First Nations artists. Chloe hopes to continue bridging gaps between commercial success and community-driven practice, advocating for greater recognition and support for regional Indigenous artists, from within Kaiela Arts and beyond.